Thursday, 18 August 2011

Charlotte & Tamsin go on a bike ride!

Picture the scene.  A lovely warm, sunny day, not too hot, and with a gentle breeze just cooling the skin while cycling along.  Not at all the usual English Summer day.  More often, a howling wind, messing up your hair, whether your own or a wig, blowing your dress around your thighs - so annoying!  Charlotte and Tamsin both have long hair wigs but today's gentle breeze is fine.

They haven't got tickets but the Rock Festiva at Barton sounds like fun so Charlotte and Tamsin plan to cycle there and then, if they like the sounds, they hope to buy day-only tickets on the gate, or even better, slip in through a neighbouring field!

So they cycle off, taking a blanket for sitting on the grass, money for tickets (if necessary) and drinks and food.  After a pleasant slow cycle the 4 miles or so to the Festival location, they arrive and seeing the marshalls on the gate, cycle past and slip into the neighboring field where they lock their bikes to a gate.  Creeping stealthily along the hedgerow with only rucksacks holding blanket, clothing etc, they find a suitable gap near the tent field and slip into the Festival unnoticed!  Yo!  Bouyed by their success, they call up friends Britney and Lily and then Lucy and invite them along too.

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